Friday, August 22, 2008

Jezuspizza when will the managers learn not to send out companywide e-mails about the corn hole tournament being held behind the garage this afternoon.
I can audibly hear people laughing while sending back and forth e-mails in reply to one another that say such things as:
“Corn hole? Like there not fucking us hard enough already!!!”
“Corn hole...behind the garage.....That’s what she said!!”
But she never said that.
Or perhaps the old favorite,
“Company Corn hole, isn’t that a double negative.”

Thought there are a few women at this company that I’m sure could really toss a sack. And that’s not a sexist statement either. There’s plenty of men at this company that know their way around a sack too. Anyway...enough about testicles, I’m getting off topic.

So perhaps there’s a generation gap here and our forefathers didn’t experience the same so called “social pressures”(bullshit cop-out as-it-may-be) Perhaps there is a generation wide disease affection all of us, but am I alone to suggest that to play corn hole enjoyably* one must consume a certain amount of ethyl based alcohol?

*(enjoyable is used in this context as an extension of fun, a duration. It is quite obvious that one can have “fun” while playing corn hole sober, however to play for an extended time and for the events to remain enjoyable, in this context it is suggested that alcohol consumption is a must.)

So, to conclude, this sentence will have too many commas, but that’s O.K. because I’m just not sure exactly, how to end it, and that’s not an issue, however…

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