Friday, December 28, 2007

The Anti-Resolution (cool name for a band huh?)

How is it that one who has come to despise Christmas, can look forward to New Years with such religious fervor. Is this what adulthood has come too. Drudging my way through the holidays to get smashed and start all over again?
Well then bring it on.
New Years have typically sucked in my life. As a teenager I was usually trapped in Texas with family on New Years Eve and that sucked for several reasons.
First reason being, even as a 13-14 year old it was my understanding that if you weren't sucking face with a chick that was at least slightly attractive then there was NOT reason to celebrate.
Second being that My grandparents invented the bible belt, and any celebration remotely related to alcohol consumption was evil.

Third and worst of all they went to bed at 9 or 10 and Texas is on a different time zone. Leaving me ALONE watching the ball drop at 11 o'clock, with NO CHICK!!!!!!
Total bullshit!!! Right?
So this situation has greatly improved in adulthood, upon reaching the legal age to consume, and getting married and being a homeowner. This year I will party with family and friends listening to a live band for the first time on a new years. groovy. can't wait.
I've got the hot chick to smooch, the ball will drop at the right time, and I'm not in Texas. (other times however I very much wish that I was in Texas with grandparents)
I've never been one for making New Years resolutions, always thought it was a stupid concept. When I was 14 years old I made a resolution to not ever make another resolution. Everyone else was running to get there gym memberships and swearing to loose weight, or quit smoking, or walk their dog more often, only to fail horribly and give up in two and a half months. I've kept my resolution for 10 LONG YEARS. I've stuck it out, and it's been the best resolution I could have ever made.
So this time I urge all, ye' great citizens of the free world, to make the year of thy Lord 2008 the year you resolute to not resolute.

Monday, December 24, 2007

whoa there stevie...

So the end of the year finally makes it's visible approach. The scents of Hot cocoa and Evergreen draw near the memories of wonderful Christmas' past. And all I can think of is What a BITCH it is to grow up. I used to LOVE this time of year. It was the stuff dreams are made of. Now I just can't wait for it to be over. The songs are cool for a day or so, then I want to gouge out my eardrums with a rusty gutter nail. Fluffing fake tree branches is complete and total horse shit. The movies are always cute and I can stand them. And snuggling up with one you love is great all year but somehow more fun when it's 20 below zero. But God forbid anyone need something from Target on a Sunday afternoon. Son-of-a-bitch, don't even get me started on department stores. Anyway I guess where I'm wandering with my thoughts is to wish that like in childhood, Christmas was still a time of excitement that 2000 years ago my Saviour was born. Or the joy of Christmas morning burning excitement in my heart until I thought I was gonna explode, Joy so intense that any annoyances of repetitive music, or bitchy store clerks, or suburban soccer moms fighting over the last X-Box 360 for their spoiled brat, never even registered. I miss the day's of cluelessness of what was going on around me, childhood innocence. Well alright, not innocence, but something like it. I miss the day's of respecting and enjoying the world for what it is, and I guess by writing this I'm reminding myself that those day's may be enjoyed again, but I've got to put forth the effort.
With that I'll conclude, Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

passers-by in the game of life

So....I've finally made it out of the blue collar workforce thank god!! I've gotta find a way to make it financially do-able but fuck uniform's and (take those earrings out, and tuck your shirt in, and cover those tattoo's and get a hair cut) Jesus Christ what a relief. I left my job with EMS probably 3 weeks ago now? I guess. I got a job in the best local music store, working in there coffee shops. Hopefully after the start of the year I'll be able to move into a better paying sales position or maybe run the coffee shops myself. the bosses are tired of the stress and looking for someone to hand the responsibility off to. I'll be that guy, cause they know nothing about coffee shops and I used to run the one at the Seelbach Hotel before getting into EMS.

The best thing is I'm getting to dig loads of great music I'd have never be introduced to otherwise!!! It's amazing.